The Most Important Part of New Year’s Resolutions

scrabble resolutions

It’s a new year. A fresh start. And we’re all filled with optimism.

That’s all good. But to set yourself up for success, we also need to be ready to wrestle with the reality of the journey in front of us. I don’t want to be Debbie Downer. But, as it’s been said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.

As we think about all the physical activity we’re going to do and healthy habits we’re going to nurture, make sure to also consider this: How are you going to react when you get hit with setbacks? 

How you answer that question and how you prepare for those setbacks will likely be the determining factor of whether or not you succeed at your 2025 goals.

Living a healthy life is hard. REALLY hard. We have so much working against us. It’s more than just okay to struggle. It’s to be expected. It’s a real fight. A battle. And you’re going to take some damage along the way.

We have 31 days in January, and as much as we’d like to have a perfect month, those days are probably not all going to be wins. But one or two losses don’t mean a thing in the big picture … unless they get you to give up. Anticipate those rough patches ahead of time, think about how you will get through those days, how you’ll get back on that horse, and you’ll put yourself in a better position for long-term success.

Be hopeful, but also buckle up. It will be a bumpy ride. But keep showing up and good things will happen.

How To Prepare For Your First Ultramarathon (Other Than Running)

You’ve signed up for your first ultramarathon, you’ve been putting in miles, and the big day is coming up soon. But, despite all those miles of training, have you really done everything you need to do to ensure success on race day? Running is only one part of success in ultras. How you manage the […]

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toddler music class

The Tyranny of Toddler Class

When my daughter, Emma, was a little more than a year old, my wife, Becky, found a toddler music class for her. It was for ages one to three, and kids sang and played instruments in the class. It sounded great. Of course, with Becky’s work schedule, she couldn’t take Emma. I’d have to. No […]

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Craft Beer Has Lost Its Way

I came of beer-drinking age at an amazing time. It was the mid-1990s, and after almost a century of bland, boring brews from Budweiser, Coors, and Miller, dominating the American beer scene, craft beer was suddenly exploding in popularity.  It was a time of unprecedented creativity and experimentation. New breweries were popping up all over […]

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