Health & Fitness
Study: Walking Boosts Brain Health
Want to have a healthier, better functioning brain? Take regular walks. That’s according to a recent study by researchers at Colorado State University, who found that you may be able to turn back the tide of aging when it comes to your brain. According to an article on Everyday Health, participants in the study who […]
Read MoreEven Small Amounts of Exercise Provide Big Benefits
Ideally, it’d be great if we all got at least half an hour (preferably more) of physical activity in every day. Unfortunately, the reality is many of us struggle to squeeze in even basic levels of activity each day for a variety of reasons. Time constraints can be incredibly discouraging for anyone trying to get […]
Read MoreExperts: Exercise Should be Prescribed for Depression
A new report recommends that for people with depression, exercise should be prescribed and monitored for the first 12 weeks, just as physical therapy would be for an injury. That conclusion was part of a recent report by researchers at the John W. Brick Mental Health Foundation. The report summarizes data from over 1,100 studies, […]
Read MoreHow Exercise Combats Anxiety and Depression
You’ve probably heard people say that exercise is good for your mental health. But the benefits of exercise go beyond just having you “feel better.” Exercise actually changes your brain. A recent article on Quartz by psychiatrist and neuroscientist Arash Javanbakht examines how exercise alters the brain. Javanbakht says regular exercise, especially cardio, does, in […]
Read MoreJapan’s 90-year-old fitness trainer should be an inspiration to everyone
This 90-year-old trainer with guns for arms and the flexibility of a gymnist destroys your “I’m too old for that” excuses.
Read MoreLifestyle sabotages you more than old age
A study on hunter gatherers revealed many health issues we chalk up to “old age” are really a product of our lifestyle.
Read MoreAlleviate Hip And Lower Back Pain With This Exercise
If you have tight hips and lower back pain, give sitting in a deep squat a try.
Read MoreApproach Health and Fitness Like a Video Game (Really)
I know. Video games and fitness generally don’t go together. But, hear me out…
Read MoreNo, You’re Not Too Old
I hear the voices all the time. Often the voices come from friends and family. People who will shake their heads when hearing about a race I’ve done and tell me, “You’re getting too old for that stuff. You have to accept you’re not young anymore.” Their voices only grow louder when I’m nursing a […]
Read More6 Tips For Dominating Your New Year’s Resolutions
If you’re like most people, you see New Year’s resolutions as a discouraging annual cycle where each December you set up lofty goals… and then find yourself off track before the Super Bowl kicks off. New Year’s resolutions don’t need to be an annual exercise in futility. In fact, they can be a healthy way […]
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