Health & Fitness
The Most Important Part of New Year’s Resolutions
It’s a new year. A fresh start. And we’re all filled with optimism. That’s all good. But to set yourself up for success, we also need to be ready to wrestle with the reality of the journey in front of us. I don’t want to be Debbie Downer. But, as it’s been said, everyone has […]
Read MoreHow To Prepare For Your First Ultramarathon (Other Than Running)
You’ve signed up for your first ultramarathon, you’ve been putting in miles, and the big day is coming up soon. But, despite all those miles of training, have you really done everything you need to do to ensure success on race day? Running is only one part of success in ultras. How you manage the […]
Read MoreKillington Beast Training Tips
The Killington Beast is brutal. It’s not like other Beasts, and certainly not like any other Spartans at all. It’s completely unique in its climbing, not just in terms of elevation but in the repetitive steepness of the climbs. Success often comes down to three things: Your ability to be on your feet for a […]
Read MoreBack to 100
In September 2020, I fractured by right tibea plateau in three places. I came off an obstacle awkwardly, landing so from the knee down was bent back, from the knee up was forward, and all my weight smashed into the top of that plateau that holds the weight of the rest of your body. What’s […]
Read MoreStop Getting Fitness Advice from Celebrities
Our health and fitness magazines and websites have more resemblance to Entertainment Weekly than actual health publications. Headlines read “Johnny Hollywood’s Ab Routine,” “This Person (Who is Releasing a New Movie) on His Morning Habits,” “Get Arms Like This Guy Who Plays a Superhero.”
Read MoreHow Comparisons Sabotage Your Fitness (And How to Stop Them)
Of the many things that can undermine your fitness, the threat posed by comparisons often slides under the radar.
Read MoreDiscipline vs. Motivation
“I just can’t get motivated to workout.” I hear this from people all the time. People who think motivation is the key to fitness, and they’re waiting from some magic switch or hack that will get them motivated… and then they’ll crush all their fitness goals. Motivation isn’t coming to save you. Sure, maybe for […]
Read MoreThe Benefits of Tunnel Vision
LET’S TALK ABOUT TUNNEL VISION. Yeah, it’s usually viewed as a negative, and for good reason. It usually means a limited viewpoint, ignorance, not seeing the big picture. But in this complex world, there’s usually a yin to every yang. And, at times, a little tunnel vision comes in handy. The ability to focus – […]
Read MoreHow to Deal with Setbacks
The first rule of dealing with setbacks is accepting that their will be setbacks.
Read MoreStudy: 1-Minute of Exercise can Offset 14 Minutes of Sitting
I’ve long been a proponent in the power of taking fitness one minute at a time. Too often, people fall into a mindset that if they aren’t devoting a block of at least 30 or 40 minutes to exercise, than it’s not worth it. But, every minute of movement counts. And all those minutes can […]
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