The Toughest Workouts

woman wearing smartphone armband and blue earphones

After enduring a perfect storm of the holidays, followed by a trip to Ireland, followed by a nasty bout of COVID, to say I feel weak and out-of-shape is a massive understatement.

But it has made something abundantly clear: The toughest workouts aren’t the epic, multi-hour ones that you tackle when you’re in shape. It’s not the workouts with the most weight to lift or miles to run or obstacles to overcome.

The toughest workouts happen when you’re out of shape. When you’re at your weakest. When just showing up is a challenge.

Those are the toughest workouts. The ones where you’ve been stripped of all your tools. Your strength. Your energy. Your motivation. Your momentum. When you have to show up and move when all of your inertia is making you want to stay put.

In reality, the most inspiring digging-down-deep moments don’t look like some motivational YouTube video with some juiced 20-something slow-moing a hill sprint.

No. The most inspiring digging-down-deep moments often look painfully slow and labored, and often star someone who looks puffy and is just getting up off the couch.

children playing on swing

Fun and Fitness

Just finished a version of Fight Gone Bad at the gym, then did some obstacles. I am 27 days into The Streak, and physically I’m started to feel real good. I think, at the core of it, the current success stems from having fun. I didn’t jump in quickly and haven’t gone too intense (until […]

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inspirational quotes on a planner

Starting (Again)

The starting-again process is tough. It hurts. It can feel hopeless. And when you focus on what you think you “should” be doing, and do a hard, intense workout that causes a lot of discomfort and pain and makes you feel overwhelmed, it just makes what’s already a hard process that much harder. So, for […]

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World’s Toughest Mudder 2024

World’s Toughest Mudder was quite a rollercoaster. While I had a pass/fail goal of 65 miles, my real goal going in was 70. Several times in the past I felt 70 was attainable, but mistakes had cost me. This was my sixth WTM, and when I looked back at each one I’d done in the […]

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