Fun and Fitness
January 27, 2025
Starting (Again)
January 2, 2025
World’s Toughest Mudder 2024
November 11, 2024
Back to 100
June 1, 2024
The Most Important Part of New Year’s Resolutions
It’s a new year. A fresh start. And we’re all filled with optimism. That’s all good. But to set yourself up for success, we also need to be ready to wrestle with the reality of the journey in front of us. I don’t want to be Debbie Downer. But, as it’s been said, everyone has […]

How To Prepare For Your First Ultramarathon (Other Than Running)
You’ve signed up for your first ultramarathon, you’ve been putting in miles, and the big day is coming up soon. But, despite all those miles of training, have you really done everything you need to do to ensure success on race day? Running is only one part of success in ultras. How you manage the […]

Killington Beast Training Tips
The Killington Beast is brutal. It’s not like other Beasts, and certainly not like any other Spartans at all. It’s completely unique in its climbing, not just in terms of elevation but in the repetitive steepness of the climbs. Success often comes down to three things: Your ability to be on your feet for a […]

Back to 100
In September 2020, I fractured by right tibea plateau in three places. I came off an obstacle awkwardly, landing so from the knee down was bent back, from the knee up was forward, and all my weight smashed into the top of that plateau that holds the weight of the rest of your body. What’s […]

The Tyranny of Toddler Class
When my daughter, Emma, was a little more than a year old, my wife, Becky, found a toddler music class for her. It was for ages one to three, and kids sang and played instruments in the class. It sounded great. Of course, with Becky’s work schedule, she couldn’t take Emma. I’d have to. No […]

Craft Beer Has Lost Its Way
I came of beer-drinking age at an amazing time. It was the mid-1990s, and after almost a century of bland, boring brews from Budweiser, Coors, and Miller, dominating the American beer scene, craft beer was suddenly exploding in popularity. It was a time of unprecedented creativity and experimentation. New breweries were popping up all over […]

The Artistry of Jimmy Buffett
The reporting on his death will focus almost entirely on margaritas and cheeseburgers and Hawaiian shirts. He made a lot of fans and a whole lot of money marketing that stuff. But to me that’s all BS. I’ve always maintained that if you look deeper than all the schtick, to some of his lesser known […]

The Legend of the Indian Stream Republic
Granite Staters love freedom. After all, New Hampshire’s state motto is “Live Free or Die.” But, back in the 1800s, the people of what is now the town of Pittsburg in far northern New Hampshire took freedom to a whole other level, actually creating their own independent nation – the Indian Stream Republic. This independent […]

Spit Happens
New Hampshire’s Mount Chocorua draws a crowd. A big crowd. But with awesome views from its summit and a couple of scenic waterfalls along the way, there’s a reason it is so popular. Just watch out for loogies. I was gazing north toward the tallest peaks of New Hampshire’s White Mountains. They looked ghostly in […]

Tall Fail: Losing to Katahdin
Mount Katahdin stands 5,267 feet high. It’s the highest point in Maine, but it’s no K2. So why does it break hikers’ hearts and keep rangers busy saving people on the mountain? A group of hikers found out the hard way . . . twice. THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING, I thought. Sitting beside Chimney Pond, […]

WATCH: Wilderness
Everyone.. yes, EVERYONE… should watch this breathtaking short film by the folks at StudioCanoe. A beautiful, inspiring short film celebrating the joy of wilderness. Wilderness from Studiocanoe on Vimeo.