How to Deal with Setbacks

The first rule in dealing with setbacks is accepting that there are going to be setbacks.

That’s just reality.

That image of perfection you have in your head, the one where you are eating right all the time and effortlessly crushing workouts, forget it. It’s an illusion. Your mind is lying to you.

Progress is never linear. It’s always a process filled with both ups and downs.

There are going to be times when you have aches and pains. When you have injuries. When you can’t do what you want to do. There are going to be times when your nutrition goes off track. That’s life. It happens.The question is “What do you do when that happens?”

Setbacks are discouraging. Too often, when people get discouraged, they quit. They give up. They only see the short term. Only see failure.

But it’s not failure. It’s a setback. BIG difference.

Failure is absolute… and rare. Too often, what people see as failure is really a setback. A setback is part of the process. A bump in the road. An inevitable part of the journey toward success.

A successful fitness journey isn’t about perfect progress. It’s about how you navigate struggles, obstacles and setbacks. It’s about taking a big picture view. Playing the long game. It’s about how you didn’t quit. How you didn’t lose sight of your goal, even when life pushed back.

Sure, there will be detours and times when your progress is slowed. But even those are part of your consistent march toward progress. Don’t lose sight of that.

children playing on swing

Fun and Fitness

Just finished a version of Fight Gone Bad at the gym, then did some obstacles. I am 27 days into The Streak, and physically I’m started to feel real good. I think, at the core of it, the current success stems from having fun. I didn’t jump in quickly and haven’t gone too intense (until […]

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inspirational quotes on a planner

Starting (Again)

The starting-again process is tough. It hurts. It can feel hopeless. And when you focus on what you think you “should” be doing, and do a hard, intense workout that causes a lot of discomfort and pain and makes you feel overwhelmed, it just makes what’s already a hard process that much harder. So, for […]

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scrabble resolutions

The Most Important Part of New Year’s Resolutions

It’s a new year. A fresh start. And we’re all filled with optimism. That’s all good. But to set yourself up for success, we also need to be ready to wrestle with the reality of the journey in front of us. I don’t want to be Debbie Downer. But, as it’s been said, everyone has […]

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