Primate is a pure, unadulterated vanity project.
It’s basically a brain dump. A way to get what’s swimming around in my head out of my head.
It’s random thoughts and reflections. Meditations on things I’m passionate about and various observations and passing thoughts.
Here I write about things like health and fitness, philosophy and psychology, parenting, a bit of travel, the occasional post about Rocky or Jimmy Buffett, and other odds and ends.
You’ll also find a blog where I post semi-regularly about my health and fitness journey, events I do, ups and downs, quips, maybe a dad joke or two, etc. You get the idea.
If you find it useless, that’s fine. (Actually to be expected.) But some folks might find some of it helpful or interesting. If that’s you, welcome.
As for who I am, the short version is I’m a writer and editor who has worked for newspapers, magazines, and websites, as well as freelanced for many years. I’m also a certified personal trainer who feels a ton of satisfaction helping folks change their lives and achieve their goals. And I’m a dad of two children who aren’t really children anymore. But they still think my dad jokes are genius. (Trust me on that.)